Working together with key stakeholders that drive the event industry in South Africa, the Council is able to highlight the industry in the media and at government level. The SA Events Council aims to lobby government on pertinent issues affecting our industry, provide business support during the critical times, conduct industry impact studies, and pave the way for professional growth in the event space.

The South Africa Events Council is an industry-wide coalition to showcase the undeniable value that business meetings, trade shows, incentive travel, exhibitions, concerts, theatre- and family entertainment shows, festivals, conferences and conventions bring to people, businesses and communities. By rallying industry advocates, working with stakeholders, conducting original research, engaging with outside voices and more, the council brings the industry together to emphasize its importance. Comprised of 14 member associations, the council unites the meetings industry with one strong and powerful voice.
The South African Events Council connects, educates and creates opportunity for its community, advocates its value and drives growth and excellence in the South African events industry.

The South African Events Council provides a forum for the industry to connect to discuss current issues, build strong and sustainable networks for knowledge sharing and ideas exchange. It promotes professionalism across the entire events sector and provides advocacy for the success and longevity of the South African events industry.

The South African Events Council is committed to educating the industry to allow them to deliver world-class events. It develops and delivers accredited education and training programs customised for the industry and delivered by industry experts, providing continuing education opportunities for all stages of their career in events.

South African Events Council creates a wide range of business and networking opportunities for the events community. It invests in online resources and education programs designed to assist individuals and businesses operating within the industry to grow and prosper.
SA Events Council in Numbers
member associations
4 200*
combined members
55 000*
representing event professionals
If you belong to one of the SA Event Council (SAEC) member associations, we invite you to register your event.
A SAEC Registered Event provides a level of confidence to those attending the event. It means you have ensured the necessary safety guidelines that have been adhered to, as per the latest government guidelines. For more information on the safety guidelines, please click here.
To register your event, click here.

STRENGTHEN the voice of the exhibition and event sector through effective advocacy and research
PROMOTE EXHIBITIONS AND LIVE EVENTS as the most powerful face-to-face marketing channel
DRIVE EDUCATION, training and best practice in the industry
NURTURE YOUNG TALENT and promote careers in our sector
PROMOTE sound and ethical work practices including health & safety best practice
HELP MEMBERS grow their businesses
DELIVER EVENTS AND NETWORKING channels that allow our members to build peer-to-peer contacts.

To promote exhibitions and live events as an effective marketing medium.
To ensure that high professional standards are maintained in relation to the organisation and provision of all services associated with the exhibition and event industry.
To encourage and implement training and education in areas relating to the exhibition and event industry.
To promote and encourage the co-operation of members in all matters of mutual interest and to provide facilities for the interchange of views and information among members.
To represent the exhibition and live event industry in matters relating to dealings with government, industry, the public, other trade associations and professional bodies, the media and in all matters deemed to be relevant to the exhibition and event industry.
Conclude such lawful agreements relating to the exhibition and event industry with other bodies, which are designed to further the objectives of the Council.
To retain professional organisations to facilitate the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Council.
To do all such other things as may be deemed by the Council to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

The Event Safety Council, a sub-committee of the SA Event Council, has drafted the Re-Opening Guidelines for the Events Industry in South Africa. The guidelines are based on current South African legislation covering the National State of Disaster as well as global best practices. They provide COVID-19 specific processes and protocols that should be followed in planning and hosting an organised event and is key in lobbying government for the safe reopening of our industry. To read the guidelines and share them, please click here.
10 Guiding Principles for Hosting Events Safely
A handy guide to help you plan your event safely.